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Foil Wing F-one FRONT WING EAGLE X UHM CARBON 800 sqcm

€892.62 €1,089.00
(€892.62 €1,089.00)
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800 sqcm


120 € 120 €

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241145FRONTWINGE--800 sqc
800 sqcm
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The breathtaking speed of our famous EAGLE has been multiplied; this new foil gains both average and maximum speed.
  • Black
  • F-One

Technical information

The breathtaking speed of our famous EAGLE has been multiplied; this new foil gains both average and maximum speed. With EAGLE X, you will harness the energy of the ocean like never before and be amazed by its incredible performance. The EAGLE X is optimized to achieve the highest possible speeds while maintaining a very high average speed. Its low end is specially designed for easy takeoffs and comfort in the air. Its glide allows you to fly without stalling, even if you make a small mistake. Instead of focusing on the low or high end, we worked to increase the overall speed range of this foil. As a result, the EAGLE X can go both very fast and very slow, allowing for comfortable and easy downwinds with a high average speed. The highly recognizable profile of the EAGLE X has been particularly refined. Most of the foil surface is distributed in the center, creating rather narrow wingtips. This surface distribution ensures excellent maneuverability, especially for such a high AR. So, the EAGLE X is not just a fast foil, it's also a fun foil to carve with! Additionally, the narrow wingtips make it easy to extract tips without turbulence or cavitation. Finally, the wingtips are still equipped with flaps to minimize induced drag. The EAGLE It's capable of traversing small waves and accelerating over long waves, allowing you to roam and explore on your rides like never before. Every pumping motion turns into forward energy, making this foil painless to ride, even for a few hours. Built using one-piece construction with pre-preg carbon, the sheet is very light and strong. This setup offers better load transmission and better rigidity in all the different parts for maximum control. Ultra High Modulus (UHM) carbon provides maximum stiffness for greater performance and incredible control thanks to instant feedback. The TITAN connection allows you to connect an aluminum or carbon shaft. The EAGLE X is more suitable for advanced users looking for performance or new gliding sensations. Whether Wing Foiling or SUP Foiling, this Foil promises a completely new range of sensations that only it can offer.

Area: 800 cm²

Span: 98 cm

Aspect Ratio: 12

Weight: 1.09 kg

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